Previous Issues of The Sales Flywheel

Planning Charlie Cowan Planning Charlie Cowan

Increase your return on luck

Waiting for luck is not a strategy, but preparing for how you’ll deal with it when it arrives is.

I’ll share my approach to ensuring I have time available to capitalise on luck when it appears.

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Prospecting Charlie Cowan Prospecting Charlie Cowan

How to use Research Hub

The Research Hub helps Enterprise SDRs and AEs to accelerate their research and personalise their outreach - ensuring the entire deal team understands how an account is structured and what their priorities are.

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Planning Charlie Cowan Planning Charlie Cowan

Building an AE territory plan

A territory plan helps guide your thinking and ensures you spend your time on high value prospecting activities. I’ll walk you through my process and give you access to the template.

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Planning Charlie Cowan Planning Charlie Cowan

Understanding a company’s financial statements

Every twelve weeks a public company publishes three important statements - a profit and loss (or income) statement, a balance sheet and a cashflow statement.

As a seller understanding them can give you opportunities to understand the business and personalise your outreach.

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