Sometimes you just need someone to walk you through a task - to remind you of the basics, and give you the time to work through it yourself.

Welcome to the Power Hour series

  • 5 minutes - Introduction

  • 10 minutes - Topic background

  • 5 minutes - Task introduction

  • 15 minutes - Working time

  • 5 minutes - Check-in

  • 15 minutes - Working time

  • 5 minutes - Wrap up

Time is precious.

The Power Hour is a way of rapidly learning a topic, and putting it into action with your own territory, accounts and opportunites.

Check out this example focused on building empathy with your customers.

My promise: By the end of this Power Hour you will have a detailed understanding of your customer’s point of view.

Building empathy

  • In 60 minutes time you will have a detailed understanding of your customer’s point of view

  • You should have an understanding of your territory, your products and services and download the empathy worksheet.

  • 60 minutes

  • $19.99

Building a unique perspective

  • In 60 minutes time you will have five unique perspectives to help you create content and drive customer conversations.

  • You should have an understanding of your territory, of your products or services and have downloaded the power hour worksheet.

  • 60 minutes

  • $19.99

Creating Content

  • In 60 minutes time you will have one graphic and one draft blog post to share with your marketing department.

  • You should have your unique perspective (from a previous Power Hour), a paper and pen, and have downloaded the blog worksheet.

  • 60 minutes

  • $19.99

Preparing for a cold calling block

  • In 60 minutes time you will have a created a list of prospects and drafted a script to use in your next calling block.

  • You should have access to your CRM, your unique perspective (from a previous Power Hour), and have downloaded the cold calling worksheet.

  • 60 minutes

  • $19.99

Sending cold emails

  • In 60 minutes time you will have sent 15 targeted cold emails to potential customers.

  • You should have a persona to target, a unique perspective (from a previous Power Hour) and have downloaded the cold emailing worksheet.

  • 60 minutes

  • $19.99

Requesting Referrals

  • In 60 minutes time you will have requested five referrals from your existing clients.

  • You should have some existing customers, a list of target customers and have downloaded the referral worksheet.

  • 60 minutes

  • $19.99

Building a prospecting calendar

  • In 60 minutes time you will have created a prospecting calendar and scheduled in prospecting blocks.

  • You should have an understanding of your different prospecting channels (phone, email, social..), access to your calendar, and have downloaded the prospecting calendar worksheet.

  • 60 minutes

  • $19.99

Qualifying opportunities

  • In 60 minutes time you will have qualified one or more opportunities in or out and have delivered follow-ups to the customers.

  • You should have at least on existing lead or opportunity to qualify, and have downloaded both the qualification worksheet and canvas.

  • 60 minutes

  • $19.99

Creating discovery questions

  • In 60 minutes time you will have created at least 20 discovery questions that will help you qualify and coach your prospects.

  • You should have an understanding of your territory, knowledge of your products or services, and have downloaded the discovery question worksheet.

  • 60 minutes

  • $19.99

Creating a meeting agenda

  • In 60 minutes time you will have created a meeting agenda to use in an upcoming customer meeting.

  • You should have an upcoming customer meeting scheduled, an understanding of the topics you want to cover, and have downloaded the meeting agenda worksheet.

  • 60 minutes

  • $19.99

Preparing a presentation

  • In 60 minutes time you will have mapped out your preparation process for an upcoming customer presentation.

  • You should have an upcoming customer presentation, an idea of the topics you want to cover, and have downloaded the presentation planning worksheet.

  • 60 minutes

  • $19.99

Delivering a dry run presentation

  • In 60 minutes time you will have delivered at least one dry run for an upcoming customer presentation.

  • You should have an upcoming customer presentation, a prepared script and visual aids (from a previous Power Hour), and have downloaded the presentation checklist worksheet.

  • 60 minutes

  • $19.99

Creating video content

  • In 60 minutes time you will have recorded a 3-4 minute asynchronous video for one of your customers

  • You should have a video application (like Loom or Vidyard), a topic to share, and download the video worksheet in this Power Hour.

  • 60 minutes

  • $19.99

Building an Opportunity Canvas

  • In 30 minutes time you will have created one opportunity canvas for an opportunity in your pipeline.

  • You should have a customer opportunity in mind, details of the opportunity and have downloaded the Opportunity Canvas contained in this Power Hour.

  • 30 minutes

  • $9.99

Building an Account Canvas

  • In 30 minutes time you will have built an account canvas for one of the accounts in your territory.

  • You should have an account in mind, the background to that account, and have downloaded the Account Canvas template in this Power Hour.

  • 30 minutes

  • $9.99

Uncovering urgency in a deal

  • In 30 minutes time you will have uncovered at least one way to inject urgency into an opportunity in your pipeline.

  • You should have an opportunity in mind, the background to that opportunity and have downloaded the urgency worksheet in this Power Hour.

  • 30 minutes

  • $9.99

Planning for a negotiation

  • In 60 minutes time you will have prepared a negotiation strategy for one of your key deals.

  • You should have a customer opportunity in mind, details of the opportunity and have downloaded the Negotiation Canvas contained in this Power Hour.

  • 60 minutes

  • $19.99

Conducting a Loss Preview

  • In 30 minutes time you will have listed at least one reason why you might lose a current deal and planned a strategy to address it.

  • You should have a well advanced opportunity in mind, the background to that opportunity, and have downloaded the Loss Preview Canvas template in this Power Hour.

  • 30 minutes

  • $9.99

Cleaning up your calendar

  • In 60 minutes time you will have cleared up your calendar to focus on valuable activities and leave more time for luck.

  • You should have access to your calendar and have downloaded the activity worksheet from this Power Hour.

  • 60 minutes

  • $19.99

Building your forecast

  • In 30 minutes time you will have created your current forecast for opportunities in your pipeline.

  • You should have access to your current pipeline, details of the opportunities in your pipeline, and have downloaded the forecasting canvas as part of this Power (Half) Hour.

  • 30 minutes

  • $9.99


  • Yes and no! At the start of the Power Hour I will introduce you to the topic and share some tips and techniques that have worked for me.

    But then I will introduce a task that you will complete during the Power Hour related to your own pipeline or territory.

  • While you are working on the task the video continues to play in the background.

    I will be getting on with some of my own work and let you know as you near the end of the task.

  • No. This is what I call “pull” learning - where you pick the sessions you want to do dependent on what you need help with at that time.

  • Yes, if you have tried one and would like access to the full library then look for the SDR/AE Virtual Coaching Programme here:

  • Each Power Hour requires you to do some work, so you should have one hour with no interruptions.

    I suggest early mornings (7-9am), after work (6-8pm) or weekends.